2017年1月14日 星期六

[開悟卡] 關係牌組 角色



Living in compensation by rules and duties; doing without receiving; inauthentic helping


Adopting roles is the number one cause of burnout and the second greatest dynamic for stress.


Every role ‘proves’ something about you, which is frequently the opposite of what you really believe about yourself.

每個角色 "證明" 你的東西,經常是你相信的反面。

Where there is any difficulty in your life, it is a sign you are living your life in roles, rather than with true contact, communication or authenticity.


Under every role there are feelings of guilt, sacrifice, weariness and being stuck.


Underneath these are feelings of failure.


And buried beneath all of these are death temptations.


Deadness in one’s life is a sure sign that roles are present.


The deadness is created because there is only ‘doing’, and no giving of oneself.

了無生氣,是因為只有 "做",並沒有給予自己。

So, there’s no receiving or refreshment.


Roles are a defense we use to protect ourselves from feelings of heartbreak, guilt, failure and even the overwhelming feeling we will die from pain.


Thus a role is a compensation for mistaken beliefs about ourselves which are painful or problematic.


So we present ourselves in a way which is opposite to these beliefs, and which gains the approval of significant others.


Initially, we give up who we really are to a mistaken belief, and then to being ‘good’ (or in some cases, ‘bad’) and, finally, to being ‘useful’, ‘practical’ or ‘hard workers’.

起初,我們放棄認為真的是個錯誤的觀念,然後是 "好"(某些情況下是 "壞"),以成為 "有用" 、"實用" 或 "努力工作" 的。

The problem is that you don’t receive the rewards for any of this; that goes to the role itself, to the proving that you are a ‘good’ person.

問題是,你沒有收到任何一點報酬,即是進入角色本身,來證明你是個 "好人" 。

We don’t receive because, in the doing, then is no true giving of oneself.


Thus we close down our horizons and swiftly lose our energy, reaching places of feeling old, worn out and exhausted.


This, in turn, leads to burnout.


A role is doing the right thing, but for the wrong reason.


It is like wearing a suit of armor which is meant to protect us, but which actually also blocks any nourishment from reaching us.


Everyone has roles.


The three major ones are dependence, independence and sacrifice, and from these spring all the others.


A role is based on grievances and feelings that someone ‘didn’t do it right’ by you.

角色是基於委屈和不滿的情緒,有人覺得 "你這樣做不對" 。

A role can be a reasonable facsimile of success, but without the inner substance.


This is why someone caught in a role feels like a fraud.


Using the card


If you receive the Roles card today, you are being asked to look at areas where you are doing things by recipe, or because you are ‘supposed to’, rather than by choice.

如果你今天收到 "角色" 卡,你被要求看哪些地方,你正在做的事情是因為 "應該" ,而不是選擇。

Every choice you make allows you to give yourself, and thus to receive.


You are being asked to live your life with commitment and truth, to deal yourself back into the game of life.


With roles (for the most part) you deal everyone else a winning hand, but don’t even deal yourself into the game.


Forgiveness is another way which would free you from the compensation which produces no reward.


A role becomes a block against grace reaching you.


Commitment, or giving yourself fully, would resolve this.


Flipping the card


This is one of the Enlightenment Cards that can be interpreted in a different way if it is flipped.


If you get this card in a reading, flip it in the air (flick it between your thumb and middle finger).


If it lands face down, you are being signaled that there is some type of family role you are caught in.


Typically, this would have begun for you as a child and has since been carried into your relationships and into the rest of your life.


There are five major family roles: the hero, the martyr, the scapegoat, the lost child and the mascot.


The hero, martyr and scapegoat are all compensations for feeling guilty.


Adopting the hero role is an attempt to do the very best, to shine the brightest and to be the star in order to compensate for guilt and to save the family.


Martyrs lay themselves down in sacrifice in their attempt to save the family (this can lead to illness, injury, sexual abuse or even death).


Scapegoats try to help the family by getting into trouble and taking all the negativity on to themselves.


The family member playing this role would be the one everyone considers the family’s ‘problem person’, ‘bad guy’ or ‘black sheep’.

這是個扮演人人都認為的 "問題人" 、 "壞人" 或 "害群之馬" 的角色。

If a family’s troubles are deep enough, the scapegoat might even get into trouble with the law, which is actually an attempt to call in outside help for the family.


The lost child and mascot (also known as the clown, entertainer or charmer) are family roles which are based on compensations for feelings of inadequacy.


The lost child tries to become invisible.


He or she thinks that the best gift they can give the family is to disappear, literally or figuratively.


The mascot always keeps the family entertained, and is the one everyone in the family always loves.


However, the mascot rarely feels loved for her or himself, but rather for playing this role and keeping the family entertained.

不過,吉祥物很少覺得自己被愛,是扮演了 "保持家庭娛樂" 的角色。

The more a family is exaggerated into its roles, the more trouble it is in, and the more dysfunctional it will be.


As with the more general roles discussed above, family roles are patterns of giving with out being able to receive.


If you receive the Family Roles card, examine which of these roles seems to be stopping you now.


In truth you will have played all of them, though you may not recognize this at first.


You could either put the five family roles on different pieces of paper and pick one (too see the one your subconscious mind selects) or you may already be aware of the one which applies to you.


Our roles are recipes for living which stop our responsiveness and the giving or receiving of our support.


Ask today to be shown the truth, so as to live authentically, happily, with ease and freedom - all sure signs that you are not living your life in roles.

今天要顯示真理,從真實、快樂、輕鬆和自由的生活 - 以確保你沒有在生活中扮演角色的跡象。

