

2017年1月13日 星期五

[開悟卡] 無意識牌組 輪迴



Patterns in one’s life which seem to come from another (actual of metaphoric) life


If you believe in other lifetimes, then you will take this next section literally.


If you don’t believe in other lifetimes, you should consider this section in a metaphoric sense, as a story the mind or soul tells about its ongoing journey.


Just as a dream depicts What is going on in metaphoric patterns, so do the stories which arise out of the unconscious mind.


The Other Lives card represents significant patterns which, when healed, can have a major and resurgent effect on one’s life.


The story the mind tells at this level can contain great capsules of emotional pain, guilt and terror.


Using the card


If you get this card, what may be stopping you now may be much deeper than you suppose.


There are a number of ways in which you can resolve this:


1. Ask your Higher Mind to heal the issue for you.

1. 問問你的高我,癒合你的問題。

2. Ask, before you go to sleep, that you dream the story of what is holding you back and stopping you.

2. 睡覺前,問,是什麼阻礙你的夢想,停止你的故事。

3. For those whose beliefs include other lifetimes, the following intuitive questions can be very helpful.

3. 對於相信有輪迴的人,以下直觀問題是非常有幫助的。

Simply ask the questions and see what pops into your mind. (For those who don’t believe in other lifetimes, you can move straight on to 4 below.)


If I were to know in which country I during this other lifetime, it’s the country now called other lifetime, it’s the country now called _________.


If I were to know if this is a past, future or simultaneous life, it’s probably a ________.


If I were to know what time I was living in, it was probably around _______.


If I were a man or a woman, I was probably a _______.


If I were to know what dramatic occurrence happened in that lifetime, that is stopping me now, it was probably something like _______.


If I were to know how that particular thing has affected me in this life now, it is probably by ________.


If I were to know the positive lesson I was looking to learn in that life, it was probably a lesson regarding ___________.

若我積極在生活中尋找指導,它可能是關於 ___________ 的指導。

If I were to know what I was seeking to give in i that life, it was probably a lesson regarding _______.

它可能是一個關於,我試圖在生活中得到 ________ 的教訓。

4. Guess, imagine or make up a story which seems to express the root of the problem.

4. 猜,想像或組成一個似乎表達問題根源的故事。

Be willing to hear any story which your mind suggests to you without judgment or reflection until you finish.


Then transform your story as described below, by centering and bringing grace into the situation.


Once you have your story, reflect on it and change the negative patterns or problem which it seems to describe to you.


Ask your Higher Mind (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, King David, Shiva, Quan Yin, or whoever else you wish to call on) to help to bring you and every one back to their centers before the problem occurred.


Your center is a place of peace and innocence, as well as being a place where grace can be received, which helps heal the situation for all concerned.


As the characters in your story (including you) are carried back to their centers and grace pours through, a Whole new scene or situation will emerge.


5. Another way to change this pattern is to ask your Higher Mind to enter the story (to go back into that lifetime) and to transform that life before the problem occurred, so that it comes out in an easy and positive manner in which everyone wins.

5 另一種方法來改變這種模式,問你的高我,進入故事(過去世),在問題出現前轉換它的模式,使它出現一個簡單積極的態度,大家都是贏家。



Then, ask for help in bringing that transformation, wisdom and healing into this life.


