

2017年1月13日 星期五

[開悟卡] 無意識牌組 心魔



Repressed and projected negative beliefs about oneself, often compensated for


Shadow figures, which are from the subconscious (or dark archetypes, shadow figures of the unconscious) are about a seemingly dark, or even evil, energy.


These figures are actually a belief or aspect about ourselves which, typically, has been repressed for a long time.


Often, they are covered over as a compensation with a veneer of being ‘good, sweet, nice, but dead rather than dynamic)’.

通常情況下,它們被覆蓋在一片 "好的、甜的" ,但是死了。

Underneath this, in the unconscious, there are whole belief systems about ourselves being bad, evil, nasty, cruel and heartless murderers, torturers and tyrants; and because they are belief systems, they seem true; the ‘good, sweet, nice and dead’ facade is a protection against them.

在無意識中,我們自己也有壞的、邪惡、骯髒、殘酷、無情殺人犯、折磨與暴君;這是種信仰,因此它們看起來十分真實;但他們似乎是 "好、甜美、漂亮或死的" 這是種正面防護。

At the same time, the dark belief systems are also a defense against our true goodness - the Light within us which we are frightened of.

同時,黑暗系統也對我們善良防禦 - 在我們的內在光中,我們都嚇壞了。

So, The Shadow is over being a Child of God.


Fortunately, we can move through this just as easily as any other problem or conflict.


Using the card


If you get this card, you have buried and, typically, denied a negative belief system about yourself which is affecting you and creating self-punishment.


Typically, but not always, there will be someone around you, or some past or present world figure, whom you just cannot stand and who brings up a feeling of negativity, or even of hatred, in you.


This is evidence of beliefs you have about yourself which are buried, denied and repressed.


One way to find your shadow figure is to look at the people around you to find who it is that you can’t stomach.


Somewhere, you believe you are like this.


You once judged your feeling, repressed it, denied it and finally projected it out.


At the same time, you have kept up a level of self-torture and created punishment for yourself from outside sources fro these very beliefs.


This has been a mistake.


Typically, you have compensated by behaving in a way that is opposite to what your really believe about yourself.


This compensation, which may seem very good and helpful, is actually just a form of role or sacrifice, in which you give but don’t receive, because all of the reward just goes to proving that you are not this bad person.


To find The Shadow, ask yourself:


‘Who would be the person I would most hate to be from history, legends, fairy-tales or myths?’


The character who comes to mind, and the qualities or characteristics which seem most to do with this figure, are really beliefs you have about yourself.


Once again, this area is typically denied and defended against; but it still affects us, so we punish ourselves through scarcity, ill-health and other troubles because of it.


One way to heal this is to imagine that you are holding the ‘good, sweet, nice, dead’ compensating part of you in one hand and The Shadow in the other.

治愈的其中一種方法是想像,將 "好、甜、漂亮、死" 補償你的那部分,放在一隻手上,將投射出的心魔人物放在另一隻手上。

In your mind, melt them down to their pure light and energy (their most basic form). Then join the two energies together until even your fingers interlock.


Keep the new combined energy in one hand and imagine that true goodness is in the other hand.


Once again, melt these down to their most basic form of light and energy and join them together.


Flipping the card


If you receive this card, you may want to flip it (flick it in the air between your thumb and middle finger) to see whether unconscious (card lands face up) or subconscious (card lands face down) elements are at play.


Unconscious elements speak of mistaken beliefs about ourselves that are long standing or at soul level.


If the card lands face down it signifies a subconscious negative belief, one that typically began in childhood.


The Shadow will then be presented or projected out on to someone who is in your world, and will be acted out by someone whom you can’t stand, find detestable or hateful, and would least like to be with.


These same qualities are repressed beliefs you have about yourself which are hidden by compensation.


But these hidden beliefs are no less self-punishing or destructive to us.


Another symptom suggesting that a shadow figure exists is if you seem to be up against an invisible wall that is holding you back in spite of your hard work or doing all the right things.


This is a true sign of a shadow figure’s presence in your mind.


