

2022年1月21日 星期五

[開悟卡] 受害者牌組 隱藏的自我



A subconscious personality, often with a different goal than our conscious mind


In our mind we have hundreds of personalities, each one having its own goal, with its own thought-system and logic, and each one thinking that happiness is in a different direction.


The Hidden Self represents a subconscious part of the mind which is moving in a different direction from the one in which our conscious mind is headed.


 It is a part of the mind which, in most ways, is thinking to be helpful to the general self, but whose strategy is ineffective and often destructive.


Using the card


If you have picked this card, it is important for you to find your Hidden Self, learn what its purpose is and help it to be more effective.


Receiving this card means you are being asked to discover and integrate a part of you which is very different from what you know in your conscious mind.


It is common to find three-year-old selves hidden inside us who actually have very big purposes (or tasks) which they are particularly ineffective at accomplishing.


There may be selves which have been passed down through the family, generation after generation (see card 17, Ancestral Problem).

有些 "隱藏的自我" 可能通過家庭一代代傳承下來(祖先問題)。

To find your Hidden Self, imagine that your conscious mind is taking a break, and just relax.

要找到你的 "隱藏自我",想像一下你的頭腦或活耀的意識正在休息,然後放鬆下來。

Ask yourself the name of this hidden personality and see what pops in.

問問自己,這個 "隱藏的自我"叫什麼的名子,看看出現什麼聲音,或者浮現什麼想法,甚至景象。

 Some use intuition, or meditation to find their Hidden Self.

也有人用直覺或冥想找到自己 "隱藏的自我"。


Others are most effective using their dreams to pull it to the surface.


One way to do this is to program your mind before going to sleep and ask your Hidden Self to become visible to you.

要做到這點,其中一種方法是在睡覺前,對你的頭腦進行暗示,讓你 "隱藏的自我" 變得可見。

Simply choose that it will be demonstrated to you in a dream.


Whatever your method, once you tune into it, ask how old it is and how long it has been with you.


Just trust the intuition or guesses that come to you.


As you get to know your Hidden Self, ask what its purpose is and do not be afraid to engage it in a ‘conversation’ or to question its motives.

當你了解你的 "隱藏自我" 時,問問它的目的是什麼,不要害怕參與“對話”或質疑它的動機。

The best way to help a Hidden Self to succeed is to have it integrate with your general personality.

幫助 "隱藏自我" 最好的方法是,讓它與你的人格融為一體。

Just feel it melting in and joining your general conscious mind, so that the two energies become one, focused on the same general goal.


This way, your Hidden Self and its contribution will be accomplished in truth once it has joined and is working with you.


Instead of having two different goals, your Hidden Self’s true goal is integrated with yours and you become more expanded and effective.

當您的 "隱藏自我" 目標,與您的目標相結合,您將變得更寬闊而有力。

To demonstrate this point:


Before integration, ask your Hidden Self, ‘If I keep doing this, how will things be in three months? ... in six months?... in a year?’

在整合之前,問問你的 "隱藏自我" ,'如果我繼續這樣做,三個月後會怎樣? 在六個月內會怎樣?......一年後會如何?

Typically things will have become worse, sometimes much worse.


Then ask your Hidden Self to melt into you.


See how effective things are in three months, six months and in a year.


In every instance, there will be greater success.


In some circumstances you will find a Hidden Self whose purported purpose is self-destruction.


This simply means that the Hidden Self is not fully in touch with its real purpose and its strategy for accomplishing this real purpose is misdirected.


If this occurs, just keep asking the Hidden Self about its true purpose until you get down to the underlying reason - this might be self-protection, ending the pain, keeping the Hidden Self from doing or receiving harm, etc.

如果發生這種情況,請繼續詢問隱藏自我的真正目的,直到你找到最根本的原因 - 這可能是自我保護、想結束痛苦,防止隱藏的自我行動,或防止它受到傷害等等......

When this is the core purpose, the strategy of self-destruction has been misapplied, exaggerated and is uncalled for.


The integration of the Hidden Self with the conscious identity leads to a reintegration of all of the energy in a positive way, a more effective achievement of true purpose, an ending of conflicts and dilemmas and a vaccination against future negative experiences such as the one the Hidden Self has brought about.


(2023/8/22 重新校正) 

